Data sharing and privacy

Our Privacy Notice explains why we collect information about you, how that information will be used, how we keep it safe and confidential. The Privacy Notice also explains your rights in relation to your personal data.

Our Medical Research and Research Network pages provide an overview of how this practice supports research, how your data is shared for this purpose and how you can get more involved in specific studies.

If you decide you do not want your data being used for research and planning purposes, you have the right to ‘opt out’. This is called Type 1 Opt-out. To do this, you need to fill in a Type 1 opt-out form.

If you choose to do a Type 1 Opt-out, your GP will not share your data for research and planning, however NHS Digital will still be able to collect and share data from other healthcare providers, such as hospitals. To stop NHS Digital and other health and care organisations from sharing your data for research and planning, you will also need to fill in the National Data Opt-out. Click here to make this choice online.

Downloadable information: ‘Your Data Matters to the NHS‘ and ‘Your Data Matters (easy-read)