The NHS is committed to the innovation, and to the promotion, conduct and use of research to improve the current and future health and care of the population.
Data from your health records can help with research, planning and improving NHS services, treatment and care. NHS Digital collects this data from your GP surgery as well as hospitals and other healthcare providers. All data that is collected and shared is protected by strict rules around privacy, confidentiality and security but you are also given the choice to opt out.
This practice also invites patients to participate directly in research projects by universities. Marcham Road Health Centre is part of a network of local practices participating in research activities under the banner of National Institute for Health and Care Research South Central Regional Research Delivery Network (NIHR SCRRDN).
Your doctor or nurse may offer you to take part in a study during your usual consultation or you may receive a text message or letter in the post offering you the opportunity to take part in a study. Although this text or letter will often say it is from the study team, all mailouts are in fact done by us and your contact details (as well as any other personal data) have not been shared with anyone else.
Below are posters showing information about some of the current projects we are involved in. Click on the posters to find out more information and how to participate.
Further information about our research activities, can be found on our Research Network page.